Life doesn't have a remote, get up and change it yourself (з´⌣`ε)
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Hello Again
Friday, 1 June 2012
Welcome June!
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Friends Stay Friends
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Sieska Mazmur, Nova Melyana dan Riris Aritonang |
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Sieska Mazmur, Riris Aritonang, dan Nova Melyana |
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Nova Melyana, Sieska Mazmur, dan Riris Aritonang |
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Riris Aritonang dan Sieska Mazmur |
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Marlisa Yanti, Sieska Mazmur dan Riris Aritonang |
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Nova Melyana, Sieska Mazmur, dan Marlisa Yanti |
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Riris Aritonang, Sieska Mazmur dan Marlisa Yanti |
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Marlisa Yanti, Riris Aritonang, dan Sieska Mazmur |
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Marlisa Yanti, Sieska Mazmur dan Riris Aritonang |
Friday, 27 April 2012
Can You Smile?
그 느낌을 기억해 난
너를 알았던 나를 알았던
그 시절이 생각나
너를 닮고 싶던
어울리고 싶던
간절했던 시간을
난 다시 생각해
다 지나간 한낱 추억 뿐인걸
And Can you smile? smile..
니가 원하잖아
니가 바라잖아
내 맘 만으로는
널 잡을 수가 없는가봐
And Can you smile? smile..
내가 가라잖아
난 괜찮다잖아
마지막 너에게
난 이것 밖엔 못 주나봐
이미 오래 전 내가 받았던
니 마음을 기억해 난
내겐 넘치던 니가 고맙던
그 시절이 생각나
가장 사랑할 때
가장 행복할 때 이별을 마주했어
내겐 참 넘쳐서
미안해서 잡아둘 순 없는걸
And Can you smile? smile..
니가 원하잖아
니가 바라잖아
내 맘 만으로는
널 잡을 수가 없는가봐
And Can you smile? smile..
내가 가라잖아
난 괜찮다잖아
마지막 너에게
난 이것 밖엔 못 주나봐
그래도 그래도 결국 그래도 난
하지만 아마도 결국 그래도 난
그래도 그래도 결국 그래도 난
하지만 결국 그래도 난
그래 빈번해진 니 그 말
답답했어 변해진 내 말투와 행동이
할말 없게 만든다고
화만 나게 돋군다고
쏘아대며 격해진
밤 하늘에
별이 밝혀줬지
달이 비춰줬지
항시 갈 길 갔지
별들과 밤이 온다
다른 별에 가려질 뿐
the moon always stay there
I’ll always be here for you, want you
And Can you smile? smile..
널 잡고 싶지만
붙잡고 싶지만
내 곁에 있어서
넌 웃음을 잃어가잖아
And Can you smile? smile..
내가 가라잖아
난 괜찮다잖아
내 곁을 떠나야
넌 행복할 수 있으니까
I remember that feeling from a long time ago
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Karakter Utama Komik Dilbert
- Dilbert
- Dogbert
- Wally
- Pointy-Haired Boss
- Asok
- Alice
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Tuhan aja... Masa manusia ...?
cari pacar jgn kasar. Tuhan aja meNGETUK pintu hati (Wahyu 3:20), masa kita mau ngeDOBRAK? =)
— Humor Gereja (@HumorGereja) March 25, 2012
Yah, intinya gak jauh-jauh dari "cinta itu tidak bisa dipaksakan" kan?
Dan sialnya it's so damn true mameeennnn...
Saya jadi teringat kisah-kisah saya saat menyukai seseorang yang kesannya "maksa" banget.
Pernah suatu hari saya menyukai seseorang, dan ujung-ujungnya saya bersikap kurang dewasa dengan cara yang tidak layak dilakukan seorang "frigid" macam saya. Hahaha.
Betul itu. Jangan main dobrak hati orang. Ketuk perlahan, panggil sang pemilik hati, jika dibukakan alhamdulilah, jika tidak, pilihan anda ada banyak:
- Berhenti mengetuk dan pulang
- Mengetuk sampai tangan anda buntung
- Berhenti mengetuk, dan menggunakan seluruh kekuatan untuk mendobrak
- Berhenti mengetuk, dan cari-cari jendela mana yang kebuka (lompat masuk deh...)
- etc... (end of thinking capacity)
Kalau saya ingat saat-saat itu, saya merasa sangat bodoh. Saya mulai memperingatkan diri saya untuk berhenti mengejar-ngejar hal salah, dan berdiam diri agar hal yang benar menemukan saya.
Nah satu lagi, tweet yang membawa-bawa nama Tuhan yang cukup menggelitik pikiran saya. Tweet ini di sebarkan oleh seorang "hampir artis" di dunia nyata (namun "cukup artis" di dunia maya).
"Mohon dimaklumi jika saya tidak membalas mention anda satu per satu. Tuhan aja nggak jawab semua doa kok"
Hahaha. Itu orang logikanya bener juga ya? Yah, bener juga. Tuhan pun tidak menjawab semua doa...
Lalu, satu hal yang sering juga diucapkan kebanyakan orang "beriman"...
"Tuhan aja mengampuni, masa manusia enggak mengampuni sesamanya sih?
Ya udahlah ya, kalo memang dia nggak mau mengampuni ya apa mau dikata? Jangan disama-samain sama Tuhan yang serba "maha" itu dengan manusia yang seringnya "maho".
Begitulah sodara-sodara.
Tuhan aja... masa manusia ...?
Ada yang bisa mengisi titik-titik untuk melengkapi pertanyaan di atas?
Monday, 19 March 2012
The Tenth Princesses with Their Own Love Story
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Amsal 30
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Funny Things to Ponder
If you're an atheist and swear on the bible, have you committed perjury?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Will you die if you get scared half to death twice?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If horrific is akin to horrible, why isn't terrific akin to terrible?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Who really took the bite out of the Apple logo?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If I break the laws of Physics do I go to jail?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why is an orange an orange but an apple not a red?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why isn't phonic spelled the way it sounds?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why do psychics have to ask for your name?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why do we put suits in a garment bag and garments in a suitcase?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why do we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why does glass eventually get thicker towards the bottom?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why is there an expiration date on SOUR cream?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Do boxer shorts box?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why do doughnuts have holes?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
How can there be self-help groups?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why is yawning contagious?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why do phone companies give you a number to call if your phone doesn't work?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why do people look up when they think?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If the cops arrest a mime do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why does slow down and slow up mean the same thing?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding what is it expanding into?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why does an alarm clock "go off" when it BEGINS ringing?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
How does one actually zip their lip?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Do married people live longer than single people do or does it just seem longer?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Do married people live longer than single people do or does it just seem longer?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding what is it expanding into?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Will wearing short sleeve shirts show your support for the right to bare arms?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
How is it possible to have a civil war?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why are there 5 syllables in the word monosyllabic?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why do they call it the department of interior when they are in charge of everything outdoors?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If taught, do gorillas really understand sign language?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why is the word abbreviate so long?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If you can't drink and drive why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor, and why do bars have parking lots?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
When an elevator is overloaded with passengers who is criminally responsible?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it do the other trees make fun of it?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it do the other trees make fun of it?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Where do swear words come from?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Where do swear words come from?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't grow in it?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why is Greenland white?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why is it called a building when it's already built?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Can fat people go skinny-dipping?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 10, 2012
Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Why is the fear of long words called hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
How much money, in pennies, is lying on the streets of the world?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Why is it when u tell a person that there are 400 billion stars in the sky & he'll believe u, tell him a bench is wet & he has to touch it?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Isn't the best way to save face to keep the lower part shut?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Why are they called apartments when they are stuck together?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Since light travels faster than sound, isn't that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Why did God give men nipples?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Are people born stupid or do they have to work at it?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Why do they call it quicksand when it sucks you down slowly?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
What do you plant to grow a seedless watermelon?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
If quitters never win, and winners never quit, than who is the fool who said, "Quit while you're ahead"?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation or a murder?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Why do we pay tolls on the freeway?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
If a turtle doesn't have a shell is he homeless or naked?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
When I erase a word with a pencil where does it go?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
If a penny costs 2.3 cents to make, why is it still only worth a penny?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
How come the idiot is always in charge?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
If someone invented instant water, what would they mix it with?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
How can someone draw a blank?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
If a vampire can't see himself in a mirror, why is his hair always so neat?
— Sieska Mazmur(@sieees) March 11, 2012
Friday, 2 March 2012
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
indifferent, pedestrian, so-so, run-of-the-mill
Biasa saja. Kita bersikap biasa saja. Biasa saja. Bersikap wajar saja...